Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Microwaves Cooking Brains

Our visit with the CTV mobile truck unit has me wondering....are microwaves really cooking our brains?
Actual nicknames for mobile emitters: "The Sterilizer" and "The Tuminator." The cameramen using this equipment figure they're getting cancer from it. They turn it off as soon as possible to prolong their lives. OK. Why is our society using this technology again???
The Riddler schemed to brainwash the masses by beaming microwaves directly into the heads of those watching cable from boxes that looked a lot like evil blenders. I'm not scared of microwaves hypnotizing people, but I think they do to a brain what they do to a pizza pop.
(Crickets. Silence.)
Really? Nobody cares if their brain turns into a pizza pop? Is our human mind over-rated? All these years of evolution, dominating the planet, and we've just decided ITS NOT FAIR we're smarter than the other animals. And now we’re voluntarily microwaving our brains to protest this grossly unfair mistake made by Mother Nature.
That's fine, except that the other animals are getting their brains cooked by us too. But wait, they don't use cell phones very much, so maybe their brains are safe after all. So you all wondered how Planet of the Apes could be made possible. When everyone gets brain cancer/too dumb to use tools from use of broadcasting microwaves to watch TV, my bets are on the octopus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I visited the same camerman at this truck at NAIT just before the students did. He told me the frequency of these transmitters is actually lower than a cell phone.