Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Mixed Box
I woke up this morning with words of wisdom for ghouls and goblins…
If you’re too open-minded, your brains will spill out all over the floor.
Lost your mind? Better find it quick before the brain-eating zombies do.

Seriously, every year they warn us unwary kids the Halloween rules.
Rule #1: Never eat candy before your parents check the bag. Incase there’s razors or broken glass in the candy. But who listens to that? I live dangerously and reach right into the bag for the best treats BEFORE I go home.
Rule #2: Never Zigzag across the street. You all have broken that. I see everybody running this way and that; it’s really the only way to get to the best houses. Who wants to go to the house that’s all plain and boring, giving out last year’s lollipops anyway? Go for the best and ditch the rest.
Rule #3: Wear reflective colors. This is the only rule I agree with because then you look like a cool glow-in the dark raver.
Rule #4: Never trick or treat by yourself. But what’s a ghoul to do after all her friends have gone home, satisfied with their mediocre half-pillows of treats. I go out really late, all the best candies are out there when you’re the last person at a house, and you get all the chocolate bars they have left.
“The Eye of a Mind makes a Moogie” – The Joker.

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